April 25, 2008

  • Weekly Photo Challenge, “What’s on Your Feet”


    Weekly Photo Challenge

    the subject from stixandstonz is:

    “What’s  on Your Feet”

    When I was younger I loved matching shoes and handbag for every outfit.  Today, I have other priorities, like being comfortable.  I don’t have to please too many people so you will find me either barefoot or in toeless flipflops.  I wear them year round and paint my toenails.  If I go out I wear whatever is acceptable but kick them off when I come home.  My feet like freedom.

    My feet and a few others


    My comfort zone is shoe free or nearly so.



    All of these feet belong to a Xanga friend who I have done some photo editing for.   I’ve grown quite fond of him and his family.  The children are always smiling so I picture the whole family as having happy feet, perfect for this challenge.



    Two pairs of shoes in this image.  The large ones belong to an internet friend who periodically has me editing some of his photos.  His walking shoes graced one of his photos and now they grace my image.  John stands at the left in his similar pair of walking shoes.  There is something about those shoes which make my honey appear to me as “so darn cute”.



    The “Yellow Brick Road” does graphic challenges with photos we share.  We did a challenge just this week where I used shoes and boots in my created theme.  You can see it HERE.

    Have a great week.  Thanks always for your comments and
    Keep on taking those photos.

Comments (13)

  • Great feet photos!

  • great foot photos.

  • really nice collage Becca, the two sets of wheels and the hand with the pump go well together,also the mix of the two pairs of walking shoes would be great for a  publicitity poster , good colour mix too.

  • I like your collage (the second pic), it’s amazing how you can get a feel for the family just by their shoes.
    My mum used to say you can judge a lot about a person by what they wear on their feet. I dunno how true that is..

  • Love the ruby reds- I am inspired to go paint mine!


  • Great photos as usual.I love the mixture of wheels and feet on the 2nd one,and like you say,I feel you can tell they’re a happy family just by letting the feet do the talking!

  • My feet also like freedom, but in my environment, need protection. As ever, I admire your work here.

  • This is also very cool, you spend more time on your creations than me I think. I keep noticing Xanga ladies who have red toenails and flip flops lately, seems that you’re a trendsetter!

  • Summer is coming and thus come the red tinted toenails and the flippity sound of those shoes.

  • I love the watercolor technique you used on the “Follow the Crowd” photo.  Very very nice.

  • It seems to me that the most popular theme this week is the one of comfort. I like the treatment of your last pic.

  • Very nicely done, all of them. The collage was a creative idea. I wish I’d thought of that.

  • Nice vivid colours and the footwear fits the bill. Covers all ages

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