May 30, 2011

  • Memorial Day

    We here in the states lose site of a lot of things we shouldn’t.  I blame most of it on a lack of education and GREED.  Both are responsible for a large part of the massive loss of memory.  Memorial Day is one of the days where the reasoning behind its existence is all but lost.  Memorial Day is not a day for celebrating.  It is a day for REMEMBERING those who died in the service of our country.  For a lot of information, see this site MEMORIAL DAY HISTORY.

    I have always felt it was sad shops open, going crazy, with Memorial Day sales.  I have never been able to equate recalling deaths of thousands of Americans with spending a lot of money.  As a child there was always a parade and wreaths of flowers were laid on the graves of soldiers from our area.  Now, stores are open, people go on picnics and to theme parks like Disneyland and King’s Island to celebrate the day.  There is cause for celebration as those who fought are responsible for the freedoms we hold dear.  But REMEMBERING is what the day was set aside for.  How does SHOPPING??? come into play?   

    Our little town of LOVELAND, OHIO – The City of Loveland Veterans’ Memorial Committee has announced that the 2011 Memorial Day program will be held on Monday, May 30.  The parade will begin at 9 AM at the Loveland Elementary School at 600 Loveland Madeira Road. The parade ends at the Veterans’ Loveland Memorial Park located at West Loveland Avenue and the corner of Riverside Drive, where a Memorial Day ceremony will presented.  I am hoping to be there taking some photos.

    4 photos from today have been edited into this entry…


    1-TODAY Memorial Day 2011:  Some parades deserve a big shot of the happenings.  I thought today’s parade did with the Colors Flying, the parade stretched out behind.  Each section marched then space was added and the next marching section moved out.  It was a good parade with our Colors flying from end to end.


    1-  An older image of McDonalds.  A lot of people take issue with McDonalds.  I would be the last to say their food is the healthiest and sad to say, they will be open Memorial Day as will about every shop or restaurant in the country.  But, McDonalds is an AMERICAN company that flies our flag.  It’s amazing how many companies don’t.  That is what I take issue with.  I appreciate American companies who fly the flag, PROUDLY.


    2-  This is an older photo taken across the river in Old Loveland.  Lots of flags are flown in this historic area of our little city.  They fly for Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Flag day and more.  I like seeing the flag waving and take photos whenever I see it.


    3-  Many of our overpasses are displaying the flag in numbers.  I’m not sure when this idea came about but it is on a lot of overpass in our area.  I think it’s an amazing site.  Here is an article about one man who has something to do with it in his area, FLYING THE FLAG ON OVERPASS 


    4- This flag is flying at half mast.  Many construction companies are flying the flag from cranes.  It’s very neat to see as they are very high and hard to miss, hanging in the air.


    5-  This photo is from the 2010 4th of July Parade here in Loveland and the 4th of July IS a time for celebration.  The 4th of July is Independence Day, USA. 


    6-  The casket contains the remains of a cousin who served in the Army.  We are a military family.  My husband, my son-in-law, my brother in-law and both of his sons, 3 first cousins, and my sister Bunny’s son who is in Afghanistan at this time for I think his 4th trip there.  Family members are Navy, Army, Air Force and all are proud to have served. 


    7-  TODAY:  at our local parade, a young fife and drum corp, part of the Loveland School musical instruction system.


    8-  TODAY:  This image is one of my favorite kinds of patriotic parade scenes.


    9-  TODAY:  Those who have been there seldom forget to salute.


    10-  This is earlier this year but tomorrow (Memorial Day) it goes up to wave in the breezes again. 

    TODAY, the flag is up and waving and we have enjoyed the local parade.  I am always glad I get out for it, recalling many memories of parades in a small home town that had wonderful parades we always walked to as it was only down the hill 5 blocks away and we could hear the band from our house.  We also put in some flower sets and watched some military movies, the theme of the day.  Military movies are not always accurate in their accounting but add them together and you get a broad picture of what war is like.  It’s a terrible thing, for all involved.  Everyone loses in a war.   

    There is a ton of information on the Internet about Memorial Day.  It’s worth taking a look at.

    Have a great week,

Comments (10)

  • I hope the Memorial Day in your town will be a true one like last year., Becca.

    New generations tend to forget easily te sacrifice of those who fought and died for them . You know it is the same in France . Those special days tend to become vacation days , Unfortunately .
     But there still are many mepople who remember .

  • Nice  pictures  Becca———————thank  you for  posting  them


  • I always enjoy your photos and the stories that accompany them.

  • @KENKEYS - Hi Ken, thanks for stopping to see my photo entry.  I’ve been very busy lately with life as it is.  I miss the nice editing group we used to be.  Hi to Monica from me.  Becca

  • @fetherland - Hi, I’m glad you get something out of my posts that are so few and far between.  Your nice comment helps make a good day.  I miss the photo group though it’s getting harder to keep up with posting.  I will stop by to your site to see what is happening in your life. 

  • Thanks for the new photos . I like the salute  and also those young girls playing music in the parade .

    You see ,Becca , I have just made an up date about the warI and I speak of the US army that brings a decisive help in 1918 . We don’ t forget.
    Your photos are wonderful, very neat.


  • Thank you for this excellent post, America is something that at times we can be very proud of, but all too often forget…. sadly the disrespect goes all the way up to our leaders. Then again, as long as there is someone who cares, it’s never a lost cause.

  • And  Hi   to  you  too  Becca—we  are  fine  thank  you—-Ken & Monica

    RYC :
    In Flanders Fields
    by John McCrae, May 1915
    In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly
    Scarce heard amid the guns below.
    We are the Dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved and were loved, and now we lie
    In Flanders fields.
    Take up our quarrel with the foe:
    To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
    In Flanders fields.
    I found this on Google . It is related to the war I no far in my area .
    This goes well with your post,Becca .
    I complimente you to succeeed to memorize the famous Lincoln s adress and the poem Invictus .
    You are right in memorizing the words at the end come from the heart.

  • Hi Becca,

    Thanks for your informative Blog, always good to see your photos especially the patriotic ones. I hope to be more involved with Xanga now and will keep my eye on yours whenever you post, but guess you, like me , don’t always feel up to it.

    Best wishes,


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