Month: March 2011

  • Happy Saint Patrick’s Day Xanga 2011

    Happy Saint Patrick’s Day


    Hoping everyone is having a lovely Green day.


  • Thinking Green

    I have wanted to change the look of my site page for quite a while.  It has been dressed for Christmas for months.  I wanted a Valentines Day theme which never got done because my photos are not working properly.  Today, I pulled out the html I needed, for a St. Patty’s Day look, by creating a fake entry with the photos I wanted to use.  A long way around but I gotter done.  My Photo Manager hasn’t been working right for weeks and I was hoping for a Xanga fix which hasn’t happened.  I have to wonder if the mishaps are leading more deeply into the downfall of this wonderful place.  If Xanga goes under I’ll probably not blog again, anywhere.  Of all the places I have played, Xanga is still the most rewarding for creativity possibilities and other perks.  I hope it survives.

    I jumped track when the WeeklyPhotoChallenge closed.  It is missed by more than myself.  I think though, it’s a lot to ask of someone to keep an idea or activity alive, that takes time and effort to keep it going, when so few are playing to help it survive.  Is it really any wonder it died?

    A few photos to get me back on track.  For the month of March, a bit O’Green

    1-  ThinkingGreen-Abstract_©RSBlain

    We did a challenge,Abstract, a while back given by WhatAWonderfulNewWorld.  This image is a photo taken from the television screen while watching Harry Potter.   Playing in Paint Shop Pro, I greened it up for this entry.  If you study the image you cas see Mr. Dursley’s face. 


    2-  ThinkingGreen-NearlyMissedJogger_©RSBlain

    This is an older photo I took at Sharon Woods, a Hamilton County Park.  It was taken with my Kodak DC4800, a really nice little camera, my first digital, purchased in 2001.  The image was taken in the fall and has lots of orange and brown in it but for St. Pats, I greened it up, leaving the jogger at the left as she was, pretty in pink.


    3-  ThinkingGreen-RainyDayOrig_©RSBlain

    Taken on a fall drive a few years ago, also with the Kodak, it was rainy and gorgeous with autumn color.

    4-  ThinkingGreen-RainyDayGr_©RSBlain

    Here is the change to green, done in Paint Shop Pro.

    5-  ThinkingGreen-MouseDreams_©RSBlain

    Our cat who never dreamed he would be the object of so many photos is probably dreaming of a mouse or two during a summer snooze.  The green of summer is what I imagine a lot of us are dreaming about as it’s still been pretty crisp and cool here in Cincinnati.  Today, it’s sunny and bright and the birds are singing away.  The spring colors will soon be showing up with lots of green accents.  I’m looking forward to bunches of new photos as well as bunches of spring flowers.

    Have a great week everyone.
